Ji Ting Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Ji Ting Academy Of TCM
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Orthopedics Centre

Orthopedic TreatmentJi Ting also provides therapy that specialises in the traditional Chinese practice of bone, joint and spine setting or more likely to be know as Orthopedics.

Orthopedics operates from the basic idea that any ache or pain experienced by the body stems from a disruption in the natural alignment and state of the bone, joint or muscle.

A major aspect of Orthopedicsr therapy is acupressure. Acupressure is an ancient science that deals with the human body and the flow of natural energy (‘Qi’) within. Using the fingers to manipulate, stimulate or correct the flow of qi in and around an injured joint, acupressure can release muscular tension, promote the circulation of blood, relieve pain and enables the body to relax deeply. This speeds up recovery and strengthens the body’s resistance to disease.

In particular, Ji Ting specialises in treating

  • Bone fractures
  • Joint dislocation
  • Muscle, ligament and tendon injuries
Orthopedic TreatmentCommon causes of such injuries include falls, automobile accidents, sports, workplace stress and accidents that occur in the home.

Ji Ting has a unique approach to treatment. In order to raise the efficacy level of its healing, the centre uses modern medical science methods to complement its traditional eastern roots.

Hence, the centre is just as familiar with the use of X-rays and biomechanical theory as it is with herbs, acupressure, chiropratic technique, the hands on rehabilitation skills of physiotherapy as the main diagnostic and therapy tool.

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